Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Something new that I made

I made this bag about a week or two ago after seeing a tutorial on It's not the same material as they used but wanted to use what I had. It was really easy to make and got me back into sewing which I haven't been doing in ages. The flower's where confusing at first but I eventually got the hang of it, the beads I got off my sister ( she makes jewelery so has loads) the other fabric I used was old denim from a pair of jeans I make into a skirt. I used an old broken hair band that had a chain as the wrist band. I love being able to make something new out of something old if that makes sense. I didn't have to buy anything for this bag so I happy. I recently also made to giant beanbags out of a few old smaller ones. I used old curtans for the outside covers and material from old sheets for the inner part and zips that I have had for ages. It was also the first time that I used my new glue gun which I had a lot of fun using and also learnt not to put my finger on the hot glue haha.

1 comment:

  1. cute bag! Looks like I'm you first follower! Thanks for following my blog!

