Thursday, July 29, 2010

What I wanted to be when I grew up!

I've been thinking lately about when I was very little and how I was always being asked what I wanted to do when I grew up. I was always so sure that I didn't want to be a hairdresser but I was going to be a hairdresser. Somewhere along the way that never happened, i was also going to be a fashion designer but that never happened either. It's not that I didn't try i did actually try really hard for both, I worked in a hairdressers part time when I was in school and I also studied fashion design for a year when I finished school. I guess they where just not for me for whatever reason I had I just couldn't be both or either for that matter. So what I've been thinking is how many people have become what they where destined to do at the age of 5 or 6? How many people always wanted to be a nurse and now are or a fire fighter and now are or on their way there? So whats so different in the people who did become that and the one's that didn't? Was it determination or lack of interest that did or did not make them become that? It just baffles me really. Maybe it's the person and how they lived their adolescence. Maybe they found something better or that suited them more as they grew up. All I know is I'm now grown up and I still haven't a clue what I want to do. I'm sure I am not the only one. I just wish I could make up my mind and more than anything to have been like those kids that always seemed to have their lives planned out because for a lot of them it's working out the way they always wanted!

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