Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What I'm reading

This is currenly the book I've been reading. I have only read the first couple of chapers but really liking it so far. I bought it in a charity shop a while ago, I spotted the name of the author and after loving other books by her I knew I'd like it. In the last year I read "When the boys are away", "Something to talk about"and "The loving kind" all by the same author. I never really stick with the same author as I seem to go though fazes of liking different types of books. but this one I can't get enough of I already have a list made of her books to look for the next time I go book shopping. It's very strange to think that a few years ago I hated reading! I didn't have the patients to sit and read a few pages. It's so different now, if I don't have a book to read when I'm finished the one I'm on it will drive me crazy. I know that sounds funny but it's true I love to just sit and open a book and before I know it it's hours later! If only I could have been like this with school books I'd have been a genious haha!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Maybe my new favorite

I'm really starting to love these slim n trim smoothies. Got one to try a couple of weeks ago and can't get enough of them since. Havent tried the chocolate one yet because they never seem to have the ingredients in stock. The straberry is lovely though. It's made with a weight loss formula and I always get zinsing in it. I don't know if it actualy works to help lose weight but it doesn't hurt to try and it's really nice too.

First Post

So I thought that I'd start a blog to post eveything that I'm up to and to keep track of it all. Hopefully I will actually remember to post things and keep it up as I'm really forgettfull! I'm really interested in fashion especialy shoes so I see alot of posts being about new shoes that I have bought or really want but can't afford haha. I think I'll leave it at that for my first post and hopefully lots more to come!!